Volume 14, Issue 3, pp. 621-937
Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.
First-Order and Second-Order Conditions for Error Bounds
Zili Wu and Jane J. Ye
pp. 621-645
Solving Large Scale Semidefinite Programs via an Iterative Solver on the Augmented Systems
Kim-Chuan Toh
pp. 670-698
On Steepest Descent Algorithms for Discrete Convex Functions
Kazuo Murota
pp. 699-707
Metric Regularity and Constraint Qualifications for Convex Inequalities on Banach Spaces
Xi Yin Zheng and Kung Fu Ng
pp. 757-772
Weak Convergence of a Relaxed and Inertial Hybrid Projection-Proximal Point Algorithm for Maximal Monotone Operators in Hilbert Space
Felipe Alvarez
pp. 773-782
A Squared Smoothing Newton Method for Nonsmooth Matrix Equations and Its Applications in Semidefinite Optimization Problems
Jie Sun, Defeng Sun, and Liqun Qi
pp. 783-806
Convergence of Approximate and Incremental Subgradient Methods for Convex Optimization
Krzysztof C. Kiwiel
pp. 807-840
Simultaneous Data Perturbations and Analytic Center Convergence
A. Holder
pp. 841-868